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Moonflower City


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 2013


Book 1 – Moonflower City


Daniel was an unusual angel. Blessed with gifts divine, a wickedly sarcastic tongue, and a forgotten almost history, in a world of a long time ago, far, far away.

But life moves on, as it always does, and with new beginnings always come new possibilities.

He had a love interest. The Seraph angel Meludyel. She was hot. Definitely a goer. But blasted Ambryel insisted on hanging around all the time, and seemed to somehow think she was his eternal soul-mate. Poppycott and nonsense indeed.

Ariel, though, consoled him. The quiet and gentle voice of wisdom and reason, full of compassion and insight, she brought a quieter tone to Daniel's life amidst the bumble and tumble he so very often found himself involved in. But she didn't mind.

They were the angels of Jehovah. They lived in Moonflower City, the place they called home, were Lord Satan and his underling, Lord Saruvyel, ran everything and taught them all to accept their authority and enjoy the community of 1000 angels in Moonflower City. Moonflower city was just that – a city of lead and gold, raised high above Terra on the Mountains of Might, unreachable by common men without the gods very own permissions. Since the intervention of angelickind on Terra centuries prior, the gods had lived apart, dwelling in Moonflower city, accessing their chosen sovereign nations and states through Internet portals. For they were Jehovah's chosen rulers over mankind, which mankind had accepted, and they ruled Earth from Moonflower City, high upon the Mountains of Might in the heart of Europa.

Daniel ruled Shaldazzar, a city state in one of Europa's nations. It had many millions of citizens, the chosen ones who had inherited life eternal, and he visited every few years, dwelling in the palace, and watching over affairs. But, for the most part, like all the angels, he remained in Moonflower City, watching over mankind, living his life, and being at peace with the world. For the most part.


The End of Book 1



Book 2 – Satan's Agenda


Cards in hell. Satan enjoyed playing cards in hell. Lost souls had built a society, eventually, on the shores of lava lake, and had dug down to find frozen ice beneath 'Earthpoint', the land mass in the centre of hell. They drank water, now, instead of being eternally thirsty, and strange plants now grew here, and they finally had food. It was still hell, but almost a tolerable way to spend your damnation. And Satan, on his visits, got a kick out of the place. Saruvyel advised him often that God's firstborn son really shouldn't be hanging around the lowlives of hell, but his love, Aphrael, advised him that Hell wasn't a bad place to be. And Satan agreed somewhat.

So, upon his recent visit, he found Earthpoint city had grown, and they almost had civilization. And he had fallen in with a pack of lost souls, Frank Castle, Jack Black and Russell Cowe, and he had found his friends of hell, and started digging the cards and the new beer they drank early into the mornings. Saruvyel was not impressed and Kristabel positively insulted him for his behaviour,

'You're starting to embarrass Moonflower,' Saruvyel would yell at him, in anger. He told him to get stuffed, but Saruvyel was insistent that Satan return to his former mannerisms. Satan disagreed. Wasn't HE God's firstborn son, and thus wasn't it his own prerogative to make such decisions for himself, he challenged Saruvyel. Saruvyel didn't quite see his point. He was a god of law and order, staunchly so, and his dominion on Terra reflected his rule of absolutism. An authority which daunted most of the angels, Saruvyel was not like other angels. Grim demeanour, dark hair and powerfully dressed and looking. Kristabel feared him greatly, but loved him because of it.

But Satan didn't care. He had an agenda now. An agenda of 'Party', and the Lord Saruvyel could like it or lump it. That was just the way it was. As simple as that.'


The End of Book 2



Book 3 – Kristabel's concerns


'For the life of me, Ambryel,' continued the concerned Kristabel, as she clipped at this and that rose amongst her flower garden. 'For the life of me, I just can't understand Satan's problem. I would have thought life here in Moonflower City would have made him eternally happy. Saruvyel says a case of stupidity has overcome him. I mean, who the hell, pardon the pun, would want to even visit hell, let alone start running with its crowd. It's just wrong, if you ask me. Just stupid.'

'I am sure Satan has his reasons,' said the ever loving and concerned Ambryel. 'He has ruled Moonflower City for so long now that we must trust in his wisdom. He is hardly going to fall, is he? I mean, Satan could never be a fallen angel. Just impossible.'

Kristabel looked at him anxiously. 'Don't even think the idea, Ambryel.'

She continued to prune away at the roses and then she looked at the main garden. A delight of Moonflowers, Moonflower city's natural commodity, so it seemed.

'They will take a while to prune,' she said absentmindedly.

'Well what does Aphrael say about his behaviour? She knows him best,' asked Ambryel.

'I don't know. She isn't speaking to me for some reason at the moment. We had a bit of a tiff about a trade agreement on Terra. I wasn't interested in offering some of our gem supplies from our mountains to her nation’s very growing demand for such things. Not at the price she wanted anyway. I suppose that could be the reason for the silence, but I would have thought her above such things.'

'She's only an angel,' said Ambryel.

'Indeed,' responded Kristabel.

Ambryel took a sip from his rose tea which Kristabel had made for him and smiled at his angelic sister. 'Well, I am off. Going down to Terra in a few hours. Visiting the execs for discussions on various issues.'

'How are things going?' Kristabel asked. 'We only ever get glowing reports from God on the progress of Kanbry. Your nation, so it seems, prospers above us all,'

'With proper concern and attention to detail all nations can prosper. I am sure Harventya is doing amazingly well,' replied Ambryel regarding Kristabel's own dominion.

'I am sure it is,' she responded, and started attacking the Moonflower arrangements.

'Be seeing you, Krissy,' said Ambryel.

Kristabel waved him goodbye, and returned to her flowers, as another morning passed in Moonflower City.


The End of Book 3



Book 4 – Daniel's Dominion


Daniel was the Archangel Seraphim Prince Regent 'god' who ruled the Europan nation of Shaldazzar. Daniel interacted with them in person infrequently, following the usual mannerisms of the angels of Moonflower City, that being to rule their national dominions through the official weblinks, the primary internet portals which ran Terra and the newly developing planetary bodies of the Sol solar system. And the galaxy awaited.

A millennia ago Judgement day upon mankind had occurred, and the ancient holy judgements of the angels, as preserved in the Holy Seraphim Scriptures, had seen their fruition with the advent of the 1000 strong heavenly host above Roma, the chief city of Europa, and they had resurrected the dead, judged mankind, and cast the reprobate to hell.

And the angels had ruled ever since.

Daniel enjoyed ruling Shaldazzar, and the Lord Satan, ruler of Itallya, the nation in which Roma was capital, who ruled over all the angels in Moonflower City due to his birthright, often commented on Daniel's competency and skill in prospering his nation and continuing in the agenda of building the eternal empires in Terra, the solar system, the galaxy and beyond. For it was a competition, not of conflict, but of glory the angels were caught up in, for such had been the agenda set by Heavenly Father. 'BUILD EMPIRE,' he had encouraged Daniel early on. He had never forgotten those words.

And so Daniel ruled Shaldazzar from Moonflower City, competed carefully with his fellow angels, and devoted his life to the eternal growth and glory of the Empire of the Shaldazzarians, and the glory of his own name and fame.

But Satan's recent activity was a bit of a worry.


The End of Book 4



Book 5 – Dark Agenda


Blagrog was a former resident of Hell.  Former, for he had served in the ‘Guild of the Redeemed Ones’ in Earthpoint City 47 years, and then, a visit from a heavenly being, a god of glory, and the Most High had forgiven him somewhat.

But had Blagrog really changed that much?  Had he?  He wandered the earth, now.  A vagrant.  For his redemption had only earned him so much forgiveness, and Theodore Blagrog Maximillian IV was far from the holiness expected by Moonflower City to earn much more than Vagrant status.

So he wandered the 1000 Nations of Terra, travelling with a backpack, a sleeping bag, and dressed in long brown and dirty robes, his only clothing, with a simple rope belt.  He drank from streams, picked the occasional apple from the trees which ran along highways throughout Terra, for a program of planting fruit trees had been initiated by Moonflower City universally.  Oranges also, pears, even bananas.  And in the wild orchards and gardens you found all sorts of nature’s providence.  He was lucky in this way.  Lucky.

Moonflower also allowed him two solitary books.  The Book of Divine Justice, by which Moonflower ruled Terra, and one fiction prose was allowed him.  He chose ‘The Lord of the Rings’, simply because it appealed to him in his old Warhammer fantasy days.  He pretended himself Gandalf, a caster of spells, and a wizard supreme.  Wandering the world, a wisened one, wandering through eternal life, a saviour, one day, perhaps.

Or perhaps something else.

You see, in the deep part of his heart, there was still remaining a seed.  A seed of rebellion.  And that seed was Empire – universally.  Yet not Empire ruled by the wisdom of Moonflower, nor the wisdom of God.  But the wisdom of Blagrog himself who, in the fullness of time, would rise up, oppose the powers of Moonflower, and bring a harsher reality to the pleasant life the everexpanding world and universe was enjoying.

For he was marked with a hidden birthmark, three solitary 6s, an old sign in the old world of evil.  A strange number, which was not really understood, but was always spoken with fear and woe.

And Blagrog bore such a mark.

Such a mark of death.


The End of Book 5



Book 6 – The Council of the gods


Just a few matters,’ continued Saruvyel.  ‘Firstly, recent trade agreements between several nations have not necessarily, in our opinion, been following core principles of the Book of Divine Judgement.  The intention to prosper above and beyond another nation is not what our Commonwealth of Terra is based upon.  Not at all.  We serve God as one, and we serve Terra as one, and our healthy competition is meant to be just that – healthy.  Like the musketeers its one for all and all for one.  Ok.  So be careful in the way you are organising things at the moment.  Certain, how shall I put it – inequities – have been noticed.  Secondly, there is growing unrest from FIFA about soccer hooliganism starting to get a little bit ‘excited’.  In no way like it was before our intervention, but old habits can return, even after a thorough repentance.  Please pay attention a little more to your law and order principles.’   Saruvyel paused, and took a sip of water, looking out at the gathering.  About 150 of them, the more serious ones as well.  It was a standard council meeting – rarely did everyone show up.

Finally, Moonflower City itself is in the process of regeneration.  Nothing too dramatic.  Well, nothing that will affect our infrastructure too much.  We are building a central spire in the City, going upwards quite a way.  It will be called the ‘Throne of Glory’, and at the top of it will be Jehovah’s throne room.  It is where he has finally agreed to speak with each of us upon request.  We are ‘Mature’ enough now personally for more than the occasional word.  Building is set to begin a few years from now, and it has already been decided by God himself, so no formal vote is required.’  He looked at his notes, looked at the audience, and gave a formal bow, and stood down from the dais.


The Council sat, some departed, but Ambryel and Daniel, sitting next to each other, began a conversation.

Throne of Glory?’ commented Daniel.

God deserves it,’ responded Ambryel.

You would say that.  But, yes, it will be much easier to get information out of him now.  I do have a large backlog of questions.’

The burning query I have,’ continued Ambriel, ‘is the future.  The Empires are to expand everlastingly, as we all know.  Yet I query whether we will all ultimately stay together.  Or whether our own ‘Thrones of Glory’ will shift, one day.  To the stars, where we shall find our dominions, and our own settled glory.’

Daniel put his hand on Ambryel’s shoulder.  ‘I’ll never be far, regardless, brother.  Nor Meludyel, nor Ariel.  We are family.  We will always be the gods of Moonflower City.  One way or another we will always be that.’

I do hope so,’ responded Ambryel.  ‘I do hope so.’

And, slowly, the gods drifted from council, back to their activities, and Daniel found his abode, the words of Ambryel fresh in his thinking.  The future.  His own dominion of glory?  Perhaps one day, he thought to himself.  Perhaps one day.


The End of Book 6



Book 7 – A Friendly Face


Blagrog swatted at the fly.  He was south, southern hemisphere, a great south land, outback.  Wandering.  He was hot, full of sweat and uncomfortable in his long dirty robes, but coping.  What else could he do, though?  He had to cope.  He had no choice, after all.  Sometimes he thought of his sins, which had sent him to hell.  Blasphemy, a heck of a lot of that.  Idolatry as well – worshipped Satan practically as a dark wizard, and never really gave a damn.  Cast spells, practiced black magic, invoked devil after devil.  Not really worship, as such, but everyone knew what power he had served.  They always complained about that, the wizards, that Satan was not really the Lord of Hell, but everyone had grown to believe that anyway.  The ruler of Terra left Moonflower so often, and dwelt down there in the darkness, that the world had come to believe him a fallen angel of sorts.  And Blagrog had loved the coolness of the ruler of the gods, his black t-shirts, and his heavy metal adorations.  They’d cottoned onto him, his coven he had founded, and claimed Satan was the true ruler of not good, but evil, even when Moonflower protested this point.   But then Blagrog had never, initially, cared about the will of Moonflower city.  He coveted the devil’s of hell, the fallen 400 angels, who had been cast out at the beginning, when the world was young, and sent to the darkness.  Fallen gods, who never gained the dominions which had once been promised to them.  Never gained the glory they sought.  And he worshipped their lusts and when, the judgement coming, and tasting the fowl underworld, Blagrog knew he had gotten what he had deserved.

But he had repented.  Hadn’t he.


As he waked along the highway, he took a sip from his bottle of water, and glared at the sun.  It was hot.  It was summer.  Why was he here?  But he had been condemned to wander the earth as his initial punishment, and somehow, not knowing even where he was going at times, some spirit drove him on, compelled him to walk further and further, driving him, even against his own will it seemed.  Cursed to wander.  Cursed.

He didn’t think much of the old Falcon, but when it pulled up beside him, and an old man looked at him and said ‘Do you need a lift,’ Blagrog didn’t know what to think.  That didn’t happen.  That never happened.

Uh, sure.  Why not,’ responded Blagrog, and got in.

Holy Diver by Dio was playing on a cassette player, and the old man said nothing.  They drove and drove, and towards nightfall they came to an old shack, and the old man gave him his spare bed and fed him bacon and eggs.

You can stay for a while,’ the old man said.  ‘I could use the company.’

Thanks,’ said Blagrog.  And he silently thanked God for small mercies.


The End of Book 7



Book 8 – Bloody Callodyn


Daniel.  Calodynn is showing off again.  Will you ever get him into line?’

Daniel ignored Ariel’s complaint.  The god Calodynn, slightly older than him, very similar features, a Cherub, unlike Daniel the Seraph, was always a handful.  He was the clown amongst the gods, full of sarcasm, dry wit, and irony.  But that was how Jehovah had made him, and God love him for it.

What’s he doing?’ Daniel asked Ariel.

Bathing in one of the Moonflower garden pools.’

What’s wrong with that?’ asked Daniel.

Naked,’ responded Ariel.

Daniel almost swore.


When Calodynn finally had his clothes back on, his lover Kayyela, also having found a towel to hide her own nakedness, Daniel decided to give Cal a lecture.

You are a god.  What the hell is your problem?’

Lighten up, Dan.  What’s life if you can’t live a little?  I don’t hear you complaining when Gloriel does this.  You always like gawking at her tits.’

She wears a bikini,’ retorted Daniel, but Gloriel often had her top off.

Yeh, whatever,’ responded Calodynn.  ‘But you sure as hell don’t mind.  I mean, come on.  We’re the gods of Moonflower City.  We rule everything.  We can have some ruddy liberties now and then.’

We have an example to set,’ responded Daniel, wondering how to transport them to their abodes without too many fussy onlookers.

We won’t do it again,’ said Kayyela.

I know you won’t,’ said Daniel.  ‘You can be sure of that.’

For heaven’s sake,’ said Cal, but he got the point.


After giving him a piece of his mind, Daniel returned to his abode, sat there with Ariel as she poured him some Earl Grey tea, and started chuckling.  ‘He is a bloody devil, isn’t he?’

I think that’s the way we like him in the end, isn’t it, Dan?’

I guess so,’ responded Daniel.  ‘I guess so.’


The End of Book 8

Book 9 – Calodynn and his sarcastic humour

'What do you call Saruvyel when he is serious?' asked Calodynn.

'Dunno,' responded Kayyela.

'Saruvyel,' he said.

She smiled at that.

'What do you call Saruvyel when he is relaxed?' asked Callodynn.

'What' asked Kayyela.

'Nothing. He has NEVER bloody relaxed in his life.'

She smirked at that.

'What do you want to do today?' she asked him, getting popcorn from the microwave.

'Daniel has been pestering me. Look into Calladan's affairs. As if I can't run my own dominion properly.'

'He's right. You can't,' she said, smirking again.

'Get stuffed,' he said, and threw an apple at her he was about to have a bite of.

'You could look in on things, though. Take an interest. You only ever leave it to your overseers and president to run the dominion. Heck, you guys have had about 3 world titles at the sporting competitions out of the thousands of them. Your pathetic in your inspirations.'

'Who cares?' said Calodynn dramatically. 'The other's will get over their competitive zeal eventually. It's only a product of their too serious youth.'


'They're still young. Eventually the passion will subside when reality hits. I'll be ready then. I've already faced reality. That's why I leave Calladan alone. I teach them to not expect too much intervention. Cope with their own problems.'

'Your all heart right wing bastard,' she said, and threw the apple back at him.

'I think so,' he responded.

'What do you call Daniel when he stuffs up?'

'What?' she asked him.

'Daniel,' he responded.

She grinned at that.

'What do you call Daniel when he has a good idea?'

'What?' she asked him, smiling already.

'I'll let you know, but it hasn't happened yet.'

'You meanie,' she said, and she came and sat on his lap, and they kissed.

And later on they got up to no good.

The End of Book 9

Book 10 – Old Man's Wisdom

'There are plots and there are counterplots,' said the old man, sitting in the corner of the shack, sipping on lemonade and smoking his rollies. 'For they DO compete and claim victories over each other, and ribbons and prizes and shields of honour and glory, things which have not yet emerged but are the core of Moonflower gods emerging pride. Saruvyel prides himself as the ultimate champion of such virtues, while Satan always stands aloof and just parties on. There are a small elect within them, Ambryel, Daniel, Calodynn and their female compatriots, who keep faith in the purity of the code of justice. Who keep their innocence, and do not follow the maddening crowd. They shall delight in HIS destiny with them.'

'What must I do?' asked Blagrog.

'Oppose Moonflower. Build the Corporation. Build it with wisdom, and if ye have found that humility you said you would serve him for.'

Blagrog shrugged. Perhaps he had found that humility. The old man looked at him though, considering him perhaps. Considering him, perhaps.

'Why do I do this? I don't care about glory. I serve somewhat for forgiveness. A good life again.'

'Doesn't he promise glory to all the repentant?' asked the old man, and puffed on his cigarette. 'Even the scum.'

'I don't know,' said Blagrog, and scratched his crotch, took a sip of the warm lemonade, affected by the heat, and spat at the ground. The old man just stared at him.

'Well....' Blagrog almost spluttered. 'Well, does he? Forgive even that much?'

'What would you do with corporation?' asked the old man.

'Don't know. Rule the universe, I suppose.'

'Exactly,' said the old man cryptically, staring into his soul.

'Exactly,' said Blagrog, and scratched his crotch once more.

The End of Book 10

Book 11 – Kristabel and her penchant for Tea

Ambryel sat with Kristabel in her abode in Moonflower City. Moonflower city had several hundred levels, and was roughly ovalesque in shape. It was suspended in the air by Anti-Grav technology based on Magnetics, with the magnetic stabilizing devices both on the base of Moonflower City as well as being held in place far below with the stabilizing opposite polarity magnetic Earth stabilizing units. It was actually simple enough technology when properly understood. Jappaneyse people loved it especially. Kristabel herself was not a technically minded angel of any great concern. She was traditional, female, doing godly female things and wanting and happy to be seen as such doing such things. She entertained often, and Ambryel was usually the guest of honour on Friday afternoons, when they sat, often in complete silence, and sipped on tea, and enjoyed each other's company. Ambryel enjoyed his time with Kristabel, although he often found the routine a bit of a chore, too polite to ever say though. Yet, sometimes, especially in recent years, he sat there, and pondered the face of Kristabel as she stared into nothing in front of her, sipping her tea, and seemingly contemplating the divine mysteries which occupied her. It was almost like therapy. And sometimes, especially in recent years, he started to get the point of it all. A little birdy in his heart whispered to him that this was the real stuff of eternal life, and sitting there, especially in the very fortunate company of Kristabel who was elegantly supreme and polished in such behaviours and etiquette, Ambryel was being spoiled rotten apparently. And he had even started to get an inkling that the little birdy might just be right.

'He smiles, you know,' she said suddenly.

Ambryel nodded.

She looked ahead, not at him, but with glazed eyes, as very usual and normal. 'He smiles. Saruvyel. Angels often don't know that. But he does. You know. He does. It's in private, naturally. It wouldn't be anywhere else. But he talks with me, and shares his concerns, and sometimes he smiles at the ironies of Moonflower.'

Ambyrel nodded, again. He sipped on his Rose Tea. She said nothing more, but continued gazing ahead, eyes almost glazed in that perpetual stare she had.

She turned to him suddenly and looked squarely at him. 'Calodynn. That is a ruffian of an angel. He stole my teapot. Retrieve it for me.'

'I'm sure Calodynn didn't steal your teapot,' said Ambryel soothingly.

'I can't find it anywhere. And I shall accuse him to his face. He dined with me. Just last week. With Kayyela. I am sure it went missing just afterwards.'

'Why would Calodynn steal your teapot?' asked Ambryel sensibly.

She looked at him, and suddenly something clicked. 'Oh, no. He wouldn't, would he. Why would he?' she asked, a quizzical look on her face.

A little birdy spoke to Ambryel's heart. 'God likes her eccentricity. He's developing it within her.'

'It's probably just misplaced,' said Ambryel. 'Behind a shelf or something.'

She looked at him, and her eyes almost glazed over again. 'Yes. Of course. You are right.'

She sat there, and he sipped his tea.


'He has a lovely smile, you know,' she said suddenly.

Ambryel nodded knowingly.

The End of Book 11

Book 12 – Shadow Thief

Jack Black put on his ninja costume. All, naturally, in black. He was predictable his hellian mistress told him. He looked at the diagnostic map – stolen from Penthouse suite 11A in Earthpoint Central Towers, where his buddy Satan resided when cruising the pit, and looked at the lift in front of him. It needed an id card. He swiped the one he had – an older one of Satan's, past its use by date. It still worked anyway. He had crawled out of his secret apartment, located in Satan's private wing of a branch of Moonflower City, where he had put on his costume and was keeping his stolen wares, and found the lift, and was heading downwards. Down to archive 4B. He wanted to check out some of the rare shit.

Jack Black was a thief. Shadow Thief, they used to call him. It got him busted to hell on judgement day because of it. Today, so predictably, with the id access card he had pinched and gotten to Moonflower on a few weeks back, he was back to his old business. Thievery. He had a plan, at the moment. Blackmail some of the gods and buy his freedom from hell. It wouldn't work. He already knew that, and he had changed his mind on the idea again and again. But, instead of blackmail, con his way out. That was the new agenda. Find material – anything useful – information – to gain him favour. Curry that favour, and be born again to life on earth. Shit, he would never qualify for admittance into the guild of the redeemed ones. He didn't give a damn about repentance, and Earthpoint and Hell's only official salvation ministry would never actually save him. He was an eternal Hellian – that much he knew.

But other ways could be arranged, perhaps.

He knew who Kristabel was, as Satan had mentioned her a bit, and her tea fascination. He'd pinched her pot. He would return it soon enough, though, with other returned items. Claim he had found them, claim the hero, and said he couldn't help coming up to Moonflower – that the temptation of the card had been to much – and plead the mercy and 'What a great guy he was, finding all our shit' card to the nth degree.

Perhaps he had a chance.

The lift got him down to Archive 4B, and he wandered in, past the reception which was vacant, and into the main reading hall. Nobody around, but an old dude was at a desk, reading. He didn't look up.

Jack got to work reading stuff.

A few hours later, his mind full of interesting Moonflower data, the old man was behind him – he suddenly sensed it.

'Should you be here, son?' he asked him.

Jack felt someone reading the letters of his very soul, and all its lame excuses.

He felt guilty.

'Sorry, dude,' said Jack. 'Probably not.' He had felt admonished.

'I have a friend,' said the old man. 'Blagrog is his name. I should introduce you.'

Jack looked up. His spirit lifted somewhat. 'Blagrog, huh?'

The old man nodded. 'I'm a janitor here. I live on earth. But I have a feeling you'll like Blagrog.'

Jack felt better.

'I have a feeling you'll be exactly what he is looking for,' said the old man, stroking his grey beard.

The End of Book 12

Book 13 – The Heart of Moonflower

Ambryel looked at the humming machinery. It was like it was literally alive.

'It is,' said Calodynn.

'What?' asked Ambryel.


'How did you know what I was thinking?' he queried.

'Little birdy,' said Calodynn looking ahead of him. 'Its crystal in the centre. Living crystal energy. Not sentient, but it has a spiritual aura as well. Non intelligent life in some ways, like flora, yet it works according to physical laws akin to gravity in its spiritual understandings. The Crystalline Consciousness at the centre is born from Ascension faith.'

'What's that?' asked Ambryel.

'A build up of old spiritual energy in a belief system. It predates this universe. Part of the mysteryies of God.'

'And how do you know this?' asked Ambryel.

'It's in the literature,' said Calodynn, knowingly.

'Hmmm,' said Ambriel, and again looked at the power central station of Moonflower City.

'It has an opposite. The thing that diametrically opposes it. It's challenge.'

'What's that?' asked Ambryel.

'Corporation,' responded Calodynn.

Ambryel turned and looked at him. 'Can we go up to my abode. I want to chat about corporation.'

Later on, after they had watched a T20 cricket match in Ambryel's room, and were sipping on coca cola, Ambryel looked squarely at his angel brother.

'What is Corporation?'

'The future,' said Calodynn casually. 'Inevitably. It sort of happened before, anyway. It happens again. New variation. Same game.'

'Huh?' asked Ambryel.

'Nothing,' said Calodynn. He looked at his brother. 'Corporation is the opposite of the heart of Moonflower. It opposes us, rivals us, competes with us – thinks its own glory greater than ours.'

'Who runs corporation?' asked Ambryel.

Calodynn looked at him, and sipped on his coke. 'Men,' he said at last.

Ambryel stroked his chin. 'Mmm,' he said to himself. 'Interesting.'

'And its a bitch of a fight coming between them,' said Calodynn, and turned up the TV again to watch the second match of the double header.

The End of Book 13

Book 14 – The lighter side of Ambryel

It had been a long and hot summer in Moonflower City.

Ambryel collected football, rugby league, rugby union, tennis, cricket, 10 pin bowling and bocce trading cards. And comics. A remarkable amount of comics could be seen in the abode of the divine deity, which often followed him around Moonflower, occasionally left here and there, but usually reclaimed promptly upon notification. Yes, he was a geek, as the sayings went, much akin to Calodynn particulalry, who specialized in DC Asia Comics, the ones translated into English. DC comics originated in Ameryca, but they had launched a DC Asia line recently, in Asian languages, and the Jappaneyse had been the fortunate ones to claim the birth of 'Superman' in their nation. Batman was Chyneyse, and Green Lantern was from Indiastan. Wonder Woman was from Vyetnam, and Flash was from Mongollya. Hawkman was from Russya, and finally, Aquaman was a Layosian. They had been the traditional 7 heroes launched for DC Asia, and they had stuck with the lineup for 2 decades now, proving very popular in Asia. Of course, the line was translated from the Asian tonuges into English as well, and these are the ones Calodynn concentrated on at the moment. Ambryel, though, was more traditional, concentrating on Marvel Comics from Ameryca for the mosr part, especially the X-Men.

'Superman is average,' said Ambryel, looking at the TV in Cal's room.

'Magneto probably has small testicles,' responded Calodynn casually.

'Batman could potentially be homosexual,' replied Ambs, watching the cricket.

'I am sure Professor X is a closet paedophile,' said Cal.

'Wonder Woman probably fancies her mother,' said Ambryel.

'Professor X IS Wolverine's mother,' said Calodynn, grinning.

Ambryel turned to him on that one, and almost responded. But he held his nerve.

'Green Lantern has the appeal of animal dung,' said Ambryel, now grinning.

'Spiderman probably eats animal dung,' responded Calodynn. Ambryel turned to him again and stared daggers at him.

'Flash's top speed is Zero miles per hour,' said Ambryel.

'The Avengers have zero appeal,' said Calodynn.

'Aquaman can't swim' said Ambryel.

'Namor is afraid of water,' responded Calodynn.

'Hawkman farts a lot and scares people,' finished Ambryel.

'The Fantastic Four fart a lot and eat people,' finished Calodynn.

Ambryel sat there for a while, sipped on his cola, ate a bit of his burger from the level cafeteria and, finally:

'DC has the talent ability of bland Coca Cola.'

Calodynn thought on that one.

'Marvel has the talent ability of a dead skunk.'

'It could be a talented dead skunk,' said Ambryel.

'Bland coke aint that bad,' said Cal.

They sat there in silence.

'Bite me,' said Ambryel.

'I would. But you would probably taste like dead skunk,' replied Calodynn.

Ambryel smiled to himself.

It had been a long and hot summer in Moonflower City.

The End of Book 14

Book 15 – From the Heart

Kayyela was with Calodynn in the heart of Moonflower, at the central power station, which was a large glasslike structure held and supported by a metal framework, running like a vein covering over the large egg-like central crystalline power orb, a microcosm of Moonflower City as a whole.

'You know, idiot. I do love you,' she said, picking the petals off a moonflower, standing next to Calodynn on the platform against the railing which ran along the perimeter of the orb.

'That's sweet,' said Calodynn, who was monitoring the orb's control deck, checking its readings and looking at various screens.

'Oh, so that's all I'm worth to you!' she exclaimed, throwing the moonflower to the ground. 'Just sweet.'

'Huh?' he asked, turning to look at the woman.

'Nothing,' she said. 'Never bloody mind.'

He looked at her quizzically for a moment, and then returned his focus to the control panel.

'Why do you do this?' she asked. 'Come and look at this thing all the time. So what? What's the big deal? It is practically alive to you, no matter what you might say.'

'The impulses it works with – the way it behaves. They follow a natural order. It's like a plant which grows naturally, and has a life system to it. This power system of Moonflower has a life system of its own. It's how everything in our world, our city, is regulated so perfectly. Like everything works perfectly according to our desires and wishes, and that it all seems just to happen magically. Like how we walk into a room and the lights come on at exactly the right moment. Or how we are sitting there, bored a little, and Compuvoice suddenly asks us if we would like to do this or that – like it sensed our boredom and is responding.'

'I've noticed that too,' said Kayyela.'

'But it's not just amazing coincidence. It's this thing. It – it SENSES us. It knows our hearts, our desires. It knows what we want. It IS alive, sweety.'

'Fascinating,' she said.

'Do you love me?' she asked after a while.

'Huh?' he asked, turning to look at the woman.

'Nothing,' she said. 'Never bloody mind at all.'

He looked at her quizzically for a moment, shook his head, and returned his focus to the control panel and said 'Bloody women,' under his breath.

The End of Book 15

Book 16 – The Book of Ancient Memory

Kristabel sat at the terminal. 'Hit C C + 5' said Daniel.

'C C + 5?' she said, looking at him funnilly. She sat there, then, thinking. Thinking. Thinking back. She looked at him. 'It was before. Before now. Before Moonflower City. But, for heaven's sake, even before then. Before the former, if such a thing is possible.'

'Think 68,' said Daniel.

She looked at him. '68?'

'69 followed with 7 parts, but 70 was Redux,' said Daniel.

'I don't understand,' she said.

'Nobody does. Type C C + 5.' She did as she was told, at the terminal in the corner of Daniel's abode.

Compuvoice came on. 'Greetings Daniel. My, you are curious still, aren't you. Don't you think you should let sleeping dogs lie? Ancient souls back there, not wanting to be disturbed now. Completed their works, completed their lives. Walking in their patterns, walking in their templates, walking in their systems, and they don't want disturbance from an old botherer such as yourself.'

'Very funny, Compuvoice,' said Daniel.

'Why on earth is CV talking like this?' asked Kristabel astounded. 'She never talks like this. Its as if she is alive.'

Daniel tapped his nose. 'She probably is, Krissy. Anyway, type in 'Corporation.' Kristabel typed in the word.

The screen had changed to a web browser, a quite basic looking one, and when she typed in Corporation CV responded. 'I'm not sure we should be talking about this, Danny. And is that Kristabel doing the typing? HE won't be happy with you searching out his mysteries.'

'Isn't that what kings do?'

'Still fancy yourself a regent, huh? I remember the time, back in the Realm, when all your efforts.....' CV suddenly stopped. 'Probably shouldn't have said that, should I. But you have a fairly good idea now anyway. Devil.'

'Realm?' queried Kristabel.

'Uh, you were human only. Shit. The other Krystabel. I mean, the order changed. Look, never mind. It's all different now.'

Kristabel looked perplexed.

'CV,' said Daniel. 'When will Corporation arise to oppose Moonflower.'

CV remained silent for a moment, and finally spoke. 'The cardinal principles of destiny always flow in harmony with the voices of free will and choice. They interact to produce history. It is not absolutely fixed, but when the pressure is too much, should nothing have happened, Destiny's power of intervention and purpose becomes too much to resist. Corporation will arise when Corporation arises.'

'Thank you CV.'

Kristabel looked at Daniel. 'What is Corporation?'

'Something me and Calodynn have been aware of for a while now. There are no signs, yet. Really, none. Satan dwelling in the underworld made me think for years, but nothing has come of it. But its inevitable.'

She looked at him, that quizzical look known well by her friends staring right into Daniel. She looked at the screen. 'C C + 5?'

'The older system,' said Dan. 'All stacks of shit on it. It is, to be truthful, slightly behind us. Behind the times. We have progressed a bit since then. But it is rife with original product, and the plan for later on, so I have been led to believe, when the works are complete.'

'What works?' queried Kristabel.

'The works of 70,' said Daniel, and left it at that.

'Mmm,' said Kristabel, staring at the screen.

The End of Book 16

Book 17 – Daniel's inquiries


'Yes, Daniel,' responded the Moonflower City Computervoice, which responded to all general inquiries for maintenance, routines, work assignments and person locations, and other things, the heart and central running nub of Moonflower City in many ways.

'Please access Shaldazzar primary network.' Shaldazzar was Daniel's assigned nation, part of the Eurpoan continent on Terra.

'As you wish,' responded the CV and went silent for a moment. Shortly it responded. 'Network online. Do you wish full access to Shaldazzar's current Departments.'

'No. Just statistics,' said Daniel. The computer went silent for a moment and then said, 'Connected to Shaldazzar Department of Statistics and Information Services.'

'What is the current population of Shaldazzar?'

'One moment.' The computer went silent. Then, 'Please confirm Primary Network access code.' This was one of Daniel's built in security codes to prevent others so easily accessing his nations's data.

'XQ4R7' said Daniel.

'Access confirmed. Answering query. The current population of Shaldazzar, according to birth figures updated last Sunday, is 458, 367, 382 individuals.'

'Thank you CV.'

The Computer, in its more regular tone of voice, did not respond.

Daniel sat there, in front of his PC, looking at it, swinging around on the swivel chair.

'CV. What is the estimated population of the Shaldazzaran empire on Nix?' Nix was a moon of Pluto, right out in the solar system, the only place were Daniel had managed settling rights, as the other planets and moons had been vastly exploited and settled by the other gods empires of Moonflower.

'Exact population figures are difficult to quantify. No official records are yet kept on Nix. The fledgling state on the north of the luna body competes well in Nixian sporting events, but has no great Commerce or Political structures, and follows the general counsel of Nixian Governance.'

'Yes, I know how Nix works. Why doesn't Shaldazzar on Nix have their own departments?'

'You have not organized such things yet, and the policy from the state elders is that they have no grand concerns on such things. Too much a wast of resources.'

'Simply commercial entities, then?'

'Affirmative,' responded the CV about the Shaldazzaran residents of Nix. 'They do have the cousnel of elders, who meet and discuss general affairs of the community, and several newspapers. Not much else of note,' said CV.

Daniel nodded to himself. Good. That was ok. After all, the settlement of the galaxy was with technology only theoretically in place at the moment, and still centuries before actual physical development would or could take place. No need to conquer the universe just yet.

'CV. Send this note to the Nix Shaldazzaran counsel of elders. Tell them to expect a visit from myself. Late next year.'

'As you wish,' responded CV.

'Good,' said Daniel to himself, generally pleased with the situation. He would see the counsel, speak words of encouragement, and have a visit around Nix. He had plans – long term plans – a goal of glory, much alike the other gods of Moonflower in the eternity ahead. And while Nix was ultimately only a small part of that plan, every part was necessary. Every part important and vital.

He got up, stretched his legs, got a soft drink from the fridge and, thinking there was nothing much else to do, headed off for the level cafeteria to see who was around. Time for tea anyway, and he could kill some time before the next big cricket match on TV.

He left his abode, made his way along the walkways of Moonflower and, as he neared the Cafeteria in the centre of the level, whistled happily enough to himself. Life was good as a god of Moonflower City. And what the future held? Well God only knows.

The End of Book 17

Book 18 – Kristabel's Kind Words

'It's as if....' she trailed off. Saruvyel sat there, sipped on his tea, and waited. He knew Kristabel well.

She sat there for 10 minutes, looking into space, just gazing forward, then, finally, fixed her gaze on Saruvyel. 'Oh. Saruvyel. How long have you been here?'

Saruvyel fixed his gaze intently on his goddess sister. 'What is going on, Kristabel. I have noticed, you know. The last five years especially, but in the last few months it has been incredibly obvious.'

She smiled, almost guiltily for a moment, and said, 'What? I have no idea whatever you think I and Luna are up to, it is none of your business.'

Saruvyel gazed directly at her, took the teacup up to his lips, sipped, his eyes remaining fixed on her, and placed the cup back on his lap. 'Luna?' he asked, eyebrow raised, a serious tone in his voice.

She looked at him momentarily, and then turned away. 'Calodynn is a ruffian of an angel. He stole my bloody teapot. Oh, but no. No. I misplaced it. That's what Ambryel said.'

Saruvyel said nothing.

She looked at him, and his expectant face. 'Luna is a …. friend of mine.'

His gaze seemed even more determined.

'CV,' she said, looking downwards.

'CV?' he queried.

'She is different – now. Well, no. Not really. She has been talking to my heart for years now, telling me things. But I know who she is now. She is Luna. She is the heart of Moonflower. She is the Crystalline Consciousness.'

Saruvyel's gaze remained unperturbed.

'She's a person. Don't say she isn't, ok.'

'I... I don't think I would. Not now, anyway. Whoever Luna is, she has certainly captured your curiosity.'

'She knows,' said Kristabel and, suddenly, looked away, off in the distance, as if her heart was being spoken to. Then she steadied, looked at Saruvyel, sipped on her tea, and smiled.

'CV?' queried Saruviel.

Kristabel said nothing.

'She loves. Love is central. Ascension is all love. It is the heart of everything. Its why I love you more than ever before, brother. You are my dearest. I will always love you.'

He softened his gaze and bowed softly. 'Thank you for those kind words dear Krissy.'

'Luna will prepare us. Will teach us. Will show us – the way ahead. And not just answering corporation, but so much more.'

'Corporation?' queried Saruvyel.

'The beast!' hissed Kristabel.

'The beast,' repeated Saruvyel in a softer and firmer tone. 'How original.'

'We don't need to worry about Corporation, though. It even ends up serving society because it just doesn't know what it bloody wants in the end. Can't decide. All power, but for what? Never understood its own motivations.'

Saruvyel looked at his sister perplexed.

'Don't worry,' said Kristabel. 'Luna will teach you.'

'Indeed,' said Saruvyel.

'She's special, you know. An original life form. HE created her. A response. To the faithful. The loving ones who hoped so much for something. So much. It's the validation of their faith and their justification. It is God's love and mercy. She's beautiful. From the heart of the earthmother, is Luna. Beautiful.'

Saruvyel sat in silence. 'What is C C + 5?' he asked, out of the blue.

She looked at him, surprised.


'How do you know about that?' she asked him.

'I dreamed. Last night. About a webnet system. As if.... Its strange. As if it came before everything. And before that again. The dream led me to you.'

Kristabel smiled. 'I told you Luna would explain.'

'Luna knows of this?'

'Luna knows,' said Kristabel, and then she was off, staring into the distance, her mind – her heart – elsewhere.'

Saruvyel stood after a while, kissed his sister on the cheek, who suddenly came back to herself.

'Your off then, brother?'

'I will dine with you tomorrow evening as agreed. I am busy, for the moment. Administration, as usual. A neverending work, it seems.'

'Tomorrow, then,' said Kristabel. 'I will cook lasagne.'


'Satan will be joining us. Loves his Italyan food, naturally.'

'Lasagne it is then. Till tomorrow.' He bowed, and she nodded, and he left her abode, exiting through the sliding door.

As he walked the corridor, he spoke out. 'CV. Who is Luna?'

Silence for a moment, and then CV spoke, in a slightly different tone to that which Saruvyel had grown well accustomed to.

'Now that would be telling, Saruvyel.'

Saruvyel stopped midstride, cocked his head and looked back towards Kristabel's apartment, and turned his gaze forwards. Then, veering over to the side of the walkway, he sat on a cushioned bench which ran along the wall.

'CV. It looks as if we are going to be having a good long chat.'

The regular voice of CV finally responded. 'Yes Lord Saruvyel.'

'Yes,' said Saruvyel, and stared ahead blankly at the wall.

'A good long chat indeed,' he finally said to himself. But CV just remained silent, and the steady hum of Moonflower city itself was the only other response. Saruvyel resumed his walk, back to his life, back to his duties, for the moment thoughts of Luna and Kristabel put to rest. Just for that moment, though. Just for that moment. But soon enough he would sit with CV and query her at length of all this talk, and find out just exactly what was going on in Moonflower, and what this corporation was, and just exactly who was Luna. And he would not stop till he got to the bottom of the situation, no matter how stubborn Krissy might choose to be. And knowing his sister, potentially quite stubborn indeed.

The End of Book 18

Book 19 – Dogfart the Brave

'CV. Is Ambryel online in War of the God's at the moment?'

'That information is confidential,' replied CV to Calodynn's inquiry.

'Come on. I'm 100% confident his avatar Dogfart is locked up in the Temple of Zeus.' The temple of Zeus was a temple in the world of the 'War of the God's' – a Moonflower City online Wargaming experience RPG. Ambryel's character was Dogfart the Brave, and Calodynn's own character was 'The Malevolent One'. They warred constantly.

'Do you take bribes, CV?'

'Your question is disorderly, Daniel. You should know better.'

'Moralizer,' stated Daniel, and stared at the screen.

'CV. Is Ambryel in his quarters?'

CV considered the query. Normally it would answer such questions. 'Not sure if I should say,' she said.

'CV,' pushed Daniel.

'Angel Ambryel is currently in his quarters,' affirmed CV.

Daniel picked up his phone and rang Ambs number. It answered shortly.

'You playing WOG?' Calodynn asked.

'Bite me,' responded Ambryel.

'If you are in Zeus's temple, and I am pretty sure you are, then you are totally fucked mate. This is your demise. 400 years of this shit, and I have you. We can come to terms, though. Surrender, pledge tribute, and your life goes on as a centurion in my army. I'll need all your gold and land though. The temple prostitutes as well.'

'Dream on homo,' said Ambryel.

'The end is nigh, fucker,' said Calodynn crudely, and slammed down the phone.

'Right,' said Calodynn, staring at the Temple of Zeus. 'Fuck it. I'll have a go.'

He pressed the 'Launch Attack' button, and watched for several minutes, co-ordinating his attack. Several guards responded and as the Temple started falling apart, his legions ready, a defeated god came forth. Azrayel.

'Bastard',' said the Avatar, Az the Supreme. 'I offer tribute.'

'For fuck's sake,' swore Calodynn at the online avatar. He had been hunting the wrong guy for months now.

'I'll get you yet, Dogfart the Brave,' said Calodynn, and summarily had Az the Supreme gutted, quartered and fed to the dogs.

From a distance, an Assassin in Ambryel's army was watching the temple of Zeus from a safe place and Ambryel, watching the screen, smiled. He had more data now on the strengths and weaknesses of his adversary, and he had done him the favour of knocking off Azrayel's avater. Another one bites the dust.

Yet, somehow, he could not help but believe, at the end of this shitty RPG, it would come down to the two of them. Dogfart the Brave and the Malevolent One. And who would emerge victorious on that grim and gritty day? Well only time would tell. Only time would tell indeed.

The End of Book 19

Book 20 – The gods of Moonflower City

'You got your butt KICKED,' swore Cossadreel at Azrayel. 'Cal sent me a copy of the quartering. Glorious. I have defeated you, Supreme one my butt.'

The god Azrayel glared at his adversary across the Moonflower Central Cafeteria Table. They were in the heart of Moonflower at the main cafeteria lounge were the gods mostly met to be seen with each other. Every level of Moonflower City had its own cafeteria, but the central level main cafeteria was the place to be seen.

'I have – connections,' said Azrayel. 'They will now hunt you down like the dog you are?' he said mockingly, a big grin on his face.

'And my warriors shall urinated on these challengers,' boasted Cossadreel.

The rivalry never ended between those two, Kristabel thought to herself, sitting opposite Saruvyel who was eating some pasta.

'Do not concern yourself, Az the Formerly Supreme one. I have this Iselandic scumlord well and trully marked for death,' said Tallysudiel, prince of south Amerycan nation Colombriana.

Cossadreel laughed. 'Your demise shall be even sweeter, 'Tal the Unjust One,' said Cossadreel, quoting Tallysudiel's avatar name in War of the God's.

'You still play, don't you,' said Kristabel at Saruvyel all of a sudden. 'The War of the God's.'

'I engage,' he replied softly. 'They are quite simple in their gameplay, the others. Victory should be easily attainable. I have studied the schematics of the game sufficiently enough.'

'I might surprise you,' said Kristabel.

Saruvyel looked at her. 'Your Avatar is nothing more than a persian princess? What surprises might you have?'

She smiled at him, and twirled her hair, but said nothing more.

Meludyel sat opposite Nimmrel. 'You never really had an issue with it before,' said Meludiel. 'Why the reluctance?'

Nimmrel said nothing initially, and sipped on her juice. She looked at her sister after a while. 'Perhaps I've grown cautious. Isn't is supposed to be, in some ways, a competition?'

'Only if it had an end, I guess,' said Meludiel. 'But Empire goes on forever.'

Rafayel, sitting next to Nimmrel, his favourite sister, looked at Calodynn on that remark, who just stared back. Nimmrel looked at Raf briefly, and returned her gaze to Meludiel. She sipped on her drink and finally responded. 'Does it, Meludiel? Does it?'

Meludiel looked quizically at her sister. 'Of course it does. What else could happen to change it?'

'The end,' said Rafayel softly. 'The final judgement. And the score, apprently,' he said, looking at Calodynn. '1400 scores, apparently, and then the winner. Appparently,' he said, looking at Calodynn.

'Luna seemed certain of this,' said Calodynn, and the gods of Moonflower City all stared at him.

'I'll give you the trade agreement you want,' said Nimmrel to Meludiel. 'But not the permanent agreement. Only temporary.'

'Ok. That will do,' said Meludiel, who was still distracted somewhat by Calodynn's statement.

'Good,' said Nimmrel, and sipped on her drink, gazing at her sister.

And so the gods talked, and chatted, and schmoozed, and did their thing.

And life went on in Moonflower City and the world turned and turned.

The End of Book 20

Book 21 – Who is Ambryel?

Calodynn typed in C C + 5 to the computer again. He had been talking with Daniel at length the previous morning. And then he had been talking with Kristabel and, wandering down to the Central power orb, he stared at it for a while. Then he did his things. Today, though, he was curious about the new information.

'Hello,' said CV in a warm voice, after he had accessed the ancient net site.

He typed in 'Seraphim Angels'.

The computer displayed the following header on the list:

'Seraphim Angels of the Realm of Eternity.'

He clicked on the document.

Daniel was listed.

Ambriel was listed. A spelling variant.

He clicked on Ambriel.

Seraphim Ambriel. Human identity 'Sean Kennedy'. Tutelary prince of the A.C.T. Twin to Meludiel.

Calodynn looked at the details for a while.

'CV. Can you access for me 'INTERNET'.

CV remained silent. 'What has Kristabel told you?' she asked finally.

'INTERNET or WEBNET is 69. C C + 5 is related to 68.'

CV said nothing. After a moment. 'Very well Calodynn.'

The Screen changed. A bar with http://rww.generalsearch.com came up.

Calodynn typed in 'Seraphim Angels.'

'Angels of Infinity and Eternity' came up. He clicked on the heading, and found lists again. They were the same for the most part. He spent a while reading details, and then he noticed Ambriels.

Seraphim Ambriel, Jewish Messianic leader from the Rothchild Clan, David Alexander Rothchild. A charismatic and loving angel, popular with the people. 60th on the list of Seraphim of Eternity.

He did somc cross-referencing. Saruviel was the name of the 7th Seraphim on 69. Salathiel was on the 68th list. They were not the same, either.

'Who, though, was his friend, Ambryel?'

'CV. Ambryel? Is he Sean Kennedy or David Rothchild?'

CV went silent. Finally she spoke. 'My name is Luna.'

'Oh. Ok. Good to know. I repeat the question. Ambryel. Is he Sean Kennedy or David Rothchild?'

'You were always so judgemental,' said CV. 'He is Sean Kennedy. Ambryel is Sean Kennedy. He is similar to Ambriel in many ways, but cheekier. God envisioned a Jewish variation of Ambriel that inspired him. He created David Rothchild.'

'And where is David Rothchild?'

'At rest. In the heart of God. Michael rests to. As does Gabriel. Davriel, Rophiel, and others are at rest. The Jewish people are all resting. In the heart of God. The entire family of Abraham in fact. They will appear from time to time throughout the 1400 universes. 17 Angels are permenanet fixtures. Technically 16, but either Ambriel will always appear.'

Calodynn said nothing, thinking over that information.
Finally, '1400 Universes?'

'The future,' said CV after several moments silence.

'Mmmm,' said Callodynn, and made no further inquiries that day.

The End of Book 21



And onwards to the final book................


Book 4500 – Last Things


Ambryel and Daniel sat in the throneroom.  God finally spoke.



Later on, Ambryel and Daniel were having a drink together.

Things, it seem, have finally got back to normal.  4 years of hell, the world itself questioning just how much crap they have to deal with from the likes of ‘The Corporation’, for even now it still slumbers in its agendas.  Even now,’ said Ambryel.

Blagrog’s corporation is still legal,’ responded Daniel.  ‘They were used as a pawn in his ambitions, nothing more.  They served in innocence, or naiveté more likely, yet they employ nearly 10% of mankind, and even now their regeneration programs show their sorrow at the abuse they had suffered.  The Corporation exists for now, Ambryel, for they still serve goodness.  It is their core agenda.’

Yet if Blagrog returns one day?’ asked Ambryel.

Then its dark agendas shall be reborn,’ responded Daniel.  ‘Yet it is God’s chosen vessel for the learning of justice.  It’s commercial heart is the heart of man’s lusts and desires in many way, and to vanquish this entity only paves the way for others, and of such others, well, how can we know what we will really get?  It is the vessel where the pride of man learns his lessons, and it must be let be.  It is the wisdom of God to do as such, and we must allow its continuance until a brighter and more enlightened era dawns upon them all.  Dawns upon us all.’

Then things are as they should be,’ said Ambryel soberly.

Things are as they should be,’ responded Daniel.


And, thus, the gods of Moonflower returned to their normal lives, in running mankind, and as the year passed by, it was as if things which had been where no longer, and that a new beginning was dawning, a new destiny for Moonflower City and Terra, and a new series of challenges.


Yet what the future really held, well only time would tell.


Only Time.


The End of

Moonflower City